Friday, November 02, 2007

Hot Date

Kyle took me to the Oyster Bar on Tuesday, our first night out without kids since Annika has been born. These pictures do not even begin to do it justice. We arrived just barely before sunset and had an awesome cozy table right by the window to watch the sun go down over the water. It is so nice inside with a fireplace & the view is so gorgeous. (except for the oil refinery)

And I ate my first raw oysters! I had one BBQ'd oyster a couple months ago and wasn't that excited about it. But I've been reading this book about a guy who is eating & raving about tripe and all sorts of weird things and for some reason it has made me feel more adventurous. We'll see how long it lasts, but for the record, the oysters were delicious. Very tender & not slimy or chewy at all. I just didn't like the juice (seawater) in the shell at all, Kyle made me try it. blech.

Kyle's tenderloin with roquefort melted over top was scrumptious and my Bouillabasse was pretty good. I think I'd order something different next time, but overall the meal was fabulous. And my husband is the sweetest thing ever.

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