Thursday, November 29, 2007


I love how every year Christmas just keeps getting better and better. It finally feels like Saben is really old enough to enjoy and appreciate the holidays. Watching him go through our christmas decoration box wsa fun and hanging lights in the windows together was even better. He loves the lights and helped hand me all the suction cups to get them up.

Getting our tree was lots of fun too. Kyle let Saben carry the saw for the first time, which freaked me out a little, but I got used to it. Then Saben gave the saw back to Kyle, who decides that THROWING IT IN THE AIR and catching it would be fun. If you know Kyle, he does this with everything, all the time. He especially enjoys doing it with things that could break or hurt him. So really, that didn't bother me at all, I am used to it and barely noticed.

Saben wants to carry the saw again and guess what he does? Yep, he throws it up in the air and it comes down and hits his hand. Luckily no damage done except for a little scratch and the verbal beating Kyle received from his wife about being a good example and thinking a little harder before doing things in front of his impressionable son.

So yes, our tree is up, lights up, quite a bit of Christmas shopping done and its not even December yet! We also watched our first Christmas movie with Saben - We decided to get Polar Express since it has the whole Train thing going for it. What I didn't remember is how ominous that movie is. I remember now that when I saw it the first time it kept feeling like something awful was going to happen any minute.

Saben didn't like it at all, we didn't say anything, but he started freaking out pretty early on, even when we tried really hard to reassure him that the ticket blowing around was probably going to be ok. Oh well. I can't decide if Rudolph is worth trying or not.

What I really can't wait for is to see if he screams again this year on Santa's lap. heh heh heh.


Anonymous said...

My heart squeezed hard at the saw thing! Thank God...

I love all your updates. I miss seeing you!

We just discovered a hot chocolate with cayenne - so yummy and spicy. Not the same craving as a chocolate bar but amazing.

Love, Misha

Unknown said...

Lol....about the copying of daddy, its so easy to forget the is going to want to do everything just like you guys.