Thursday, July 13, 2006

When Kari met Kyle

I am copying a friend's idea and I'm having a contest to see who can figure out where Kyle & I met. Friends & family who already know the answer, please don't tell, but otherwise, the first one to guess gets a jar of homemade strawberry jam (what black flecks of pot gunk? I don't see any in there!) Unless you live far away, cause I'm not mailing no jam across the country.

Amazingly, I found this picture (below) that was taken from the EXACT seat Kyle was sitting in when we met six years ago, February. The entire room is pictured above.


Anonymous said...

Oooo, Kari. That's a hard one. I am going to have to think on this for awhile...

Anonymous said...

I think it's a cool pub in Ireland. No wait, maybe a cheesy Applebees... Who the heck knows where the inside of a restaraunt is?! Are we talking different country or just name of the eatery? Not that I want your jam. Gross.

Kari said...

Well it is in Seattle, so I thought maybe some ex-seattleites would recognize it. And my Jam is Delish, black specks and all, not that you'll ever get to try any.

Anonymous said...

I want some strawberry jam please.

(just because you like me and I asked nice)

jc said...

Was it at the restaurant you used to serve at?