Tuesday, April 06, 2010

March Madness

March felt like the quickest, busiest month of my life. I'm sure it wasn't, but I wanted to record everything that happened. Lots of fun, lots of hard work and mostly just one thing after another, seemingly endless sometimes.

5th - Friends come with their two kids to visit & spend the night.
6th - Throw a baby shower at our house for Vale, one of my best friends
8th - Annika gets tooth knocked loose
9th - Watch Riley all day while her parents live it up in Vegas & make dinner for someone with a new baby
10th - Annika gets her tooth pulled
11th - Get four new windows installed in our two upstairs bedrooms
12th - My birthday! Have pizza with the kids for dinner, family celebration
13th - Take kids to my parent's house in the morning, spend the day emptying both bedrooms & painting them. Birthday dinner at our favorite restaurant in town - Prospect St. Cafe
14th - realize we bought the wrong color desk for our new office, drive to Ikea in the morning, exchange, then back to my parents house to get the kids & have a family birthday celebration. House is a complete wreck.
15th - 17th - Reorganize & move everything back into our "new" bedroom & office. Set up kids art table, reorganize their gazillions of art supplies, book shelves, etc.
18th - Kyle leaves for Taiwan. Kari gets a cold. Too exhausted to plan anything fun for while he is gone.
19th - Suffer through the most boring weekend ever. Rain, sick, no hubby, cranky kids. Thank goodness for babysitter Vale and book club Saturday night.
23rd - Saben does his "regular" morning sick thing, but is fine by noon. Rescued from insanity by Elizabeth who invites us to dinner.
24th - Kyle returns home after a week.
24th - 26th Prepare for Sabens 5th birthday and the twelve 5 year old boys I've invited over to celebrate.
26th - Saben's Birthday! (more on this soon, I promise!)
27th - Another fun birthday party for Kevin in the evening, house chores, yard work, Kyle biking, etc during the day.
28th - Kari gets 3 hours alone, Saben has another birthday party, Kyle goes biking
29th - Kyle announces he wants our entire "storage area" attic cleaned out as his birthday present.
30th - Kari gets to work sorting through years of accumulated magazines, kids clothes, books, photo albums, linens, clothes, you name it. Spends the rest of the week making trips to drop things off for a garage sale, to friends' houses and the dump to get rid of everything. Elizabeth gets a medal since she babysat the kids 5+ hours during the week so I could get it all done.

By friday the attic is clean, Kari is exhausted and all there is left to do is pack me & the kids for an overnight easter trip to seattle to celebrate Kyle's birthday and Easter. And now its april, so I must quit writing or else my title won't make any sense.

1 comment:

Kelsie said...

Wow! How on earth did you remember all that is what I want to know? Also, will there be pictures posted of your "new" office and room?