Stealing Mommy's lunch
While Mommy gets out hummus, grab pickles and drop them. When mommy sets down hummus to get pickles, grab hummus, then grab pickles as she goes for her camera.
Look at the pretty lunch mommy made me!
I didn't get a picture of her screaming for an hour in her crib after lunch because she does not think 1.5 year olds need naps. Poor Saben fell asleep for his nap while she screamed (they share a room) and I finally took her out just so he could sleep in peace.
So, I think I should try Hummus with the girls. what do you combine it with that it their favorite? (It's not something I've ever really had "on-hand" before) Plus, it's probably a good prego food!
Do you feel the same as I do, guilty for being exhausted and mentally wore out? I appreciate it so much when people remind me that this is a *season* of my life- it gets me through the rough days, and helps me enjoy the good ones :-)
We lost a dozen eggs on Saturday also!!
So funny!!! Sydney would have a blast getting into EVERYTHING with Annika!
I love the pic of her on the table. :)
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