Last week I had to say goodbye to a very dear friend who moved 5 hours away. I met Andi 4 months after moving here at a home bible study. Saben was 9 months old and Audrey was just a tiny 3 month old. I didn't have a single mom friend in Bellingham and we walked into this warm bright house and met the most wonderful people - many of whom had kids close to Saben's age.
I will never forget that night, even though over half the people we met there have moved away. It was the friendliest, most interesting and warm group I have EVER met, and after months of worrying if I would ever find anyone I felt connected with in Bellingham, God brought all these amazing people into my life.
Andi was all that and more, not only was she lots of fun to hang out with, she brought a wonderful perspective on motherhood. It was so inspiring to see the joy and passion she had for being a mom. I really admire her love of small beauties, her creativity around the home, her complete devotion to Audrey and the way she treasures and makes every moment of motherhood special.
After working in an office for years, getting used to being a full time mom was often hard for me but in some small way Andi helped me ease through it and learn to appreciate it more.
Of course being pregnant together was the most fun of all, we were practically pregnancy twins because both of us had c-sections and big babies the first time around. We also had the same doctor, had to decide on a VBAC vs. C-section this time and once we even got bitten by a bug on the exact same place behind our left ears.
Once we both had new infants, it was not quite as fun since we were both "trapped" in our homes, but we've managed to keep up via email, blog and infrequent visits.
It would have been hilarious to see Audrey & Saben grow up together because they are often nemeses. I think Saben is the only person Audrey has ever bitten and lately she was starting to physically push him around when she got mad. However, Saben is no innocent, last week Audrey pushed him and got in trouble and so he marched right up in her face, obviously trying to get her to push him again so she'd get in trouble. But they also had a lot of fun together and loved playing at eachothers houses.
Some of my favorite memories are of blueberry picking, going to the Everett Children's museum together, babysitting co-op, the valentine's day "party" Andi hosted for us, Andi hosting my 30th birthday while 6 months preganant and watching Audrey chase saben around the house trying get his ball and him screaming the entire time, even though he is much bigger than her. (that last one was at the Bates going away party) And of course the day Saben observed that Audrey has a tunnel instead of a pee pee.
So goodbye to our friends, we will always treasure your memory and can not wait to see you again.